World Vegetarian Awareness Month
- October
During the month of October, there are numerous dates
to commemorate and celebrate:
October 1 - World Vegetarian Day
October 2 - World Day for Farm
Animals - Gandhi's Birthday
October 4 - Birthday of St. Francis,
Patron Saint of Animals
October 15 - United Nations World
Food Day
November 1 - World Vegan Day (on
the tail end of October)
KUALU LUMPUR, MALAYSIA, November 24, 2004: The Malaysia Hindu Sangam President, Datuk A. Vaithilingam, issued the following statement:
I wish to inform you here that at the World Millennium Peace Conference
for Spiritual and Religious Leaders held at the United Nation New York
from 28-31 August, 2000, Rev. Dada J.P. Vaswani made repeated appeals on
the need to save animals and thus suggested that more human beings should
become vegetarian. Please note that I represented the Malaysian Consultative
Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism and Sikhism at the above conference.
In this connection Dada Vaswani visited Malaysia in March this year and
urged the Malaysians of all races and religion to support The International
Meatless Day on November 25, 2004. Many leaders then pledged their support
for November 25 to be declared as an annual Meatless Day. The purpose of
this campaign is to promote compassion, non-violence and reverence for
life. The campaign believes in awakening compassion in the hearts of people
towards our fellow brothers and sisters in the animal kingdom. It is believed
that reverence for life is but one step towards world peace.
I'm happy to inform that at the meeting of Hindu Organization Leaders held on November 22 in Kuala Lumpur leaders of the 26 organizations pledged that more than 2,000 followers will be a vegetarian on November 25, 2004. I take this opportunity to congratulate Mr. Pishu Murali Hassaram the chairman of the organizing committee based in Penang for having launched this programme on November 25 at the Esplanade, Penang under the distinguished Patronage of Tan Sri Koh Tsu Khoon, Chief Minister of Penang. I hope more Malaysian irrespective of race or religion will make November 25 each year a Meatless Day. Those who wish to know about the Meatless Day may look in the website http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Resort/1088.
courtesy of Hinduism Today
See their World Vegetarian Awareness Month newsletter
(reproduced here with permission)
Dear Prabhu,
Hare Krishna!
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupad. All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga!
Madurai ISKCON observed World Vegetarian Day on 03.10.2004, Sunday evening in order to create awareness on consuming vegetarian food after seeing your e-mail.
On 1.10.2004 the local newspapers published an exclusive news item on World Vegetarian Day, which contained an article written by our TP (H.G.Shankhadhari Das, M.Tech., Ex. Scientist).
The articled highlighted the importance of vegetarian diet and the ill effects brought about by flesh foods. Moreover the newspapers also made a wide publicity of the World Vegetarian Day Awareness programme to be conducted on 3.10.2004. As a result, people from all walks of life took part in it.
In the programme, our TP advised the people to give up meat eating by scientifically presenting the facts as revealed in the sastras.
If you touch fire even knowingly or unknowingly, it will burn:
In his speech, he pointed out that for every good or bad action we
do, there will be reaction. If we touch fire even knowingly or unknowingly,
it will burn us. Similarly, even if we do not understand the reaction for
our action, we have to face the reaction. This is the law of nature. Hence
a man who kills another living entity will have to experience the reaction
also. Some people tell that they are not involved in killing. Only someone
kills the animal and they simply eat it. But all those who are involved
in killing an animal - one who permits the killing, one who kills, one
who helps the killer, one who buys, one who cooks and one who eats are
criminals jus as those who conspire a murder are equally punishable.
The Taste is due to ingredients; not due to meat:
In the question and answer session, there arose a controversy regarding
the taste of flesh foods. Our TP explained that meat has no taste. It appears
to be tasty only because of the pungent ingredients we add to the meat.
In actuality, raw meat has no taste but it is highly abominable. The pungent
items mixed with meat lead to the wrong notion that meat is tasty.
Evidences for vegetarian food as a wholesome & healthy food:
Our TP also referred to the Health Nutrition Chart - Bulletin No: 23
released by the Government of India, which contains details on the nutrients
of food items. It is clear from the chart that only vegetarian food has
all the nutrients required for a human being, For instance, 100 gram egg
and 100 gram meat and chicken contain only 173 calorie and 194 calorie
respectively. But green gram (100 g), which we regularly use, contains
372 calorie. Moreover milk products; grains, beans, dhal, groundnuts etc.
have more calorie than green gram. Many doctors and scientists have proved
that vegetarian foods increase the duration of life and keep the body healthy.
Video CD shows on opinions of famous medical practitioners:
A video-CD show on the lectures of many famous doctors on the significance
of vegetarian diet was show to the people and this is an indication that
most of the foreigners are turning into strict vegetarians.
The Easy way to give up meat eating:
By Chanting "Hare Krishna Hare Krishna; Krishna Krishna Hare Hare;
Hare Rama Hare Rama; Rama Rama Hare Hare", a minimum of 108 times every
day, one can give up meat-eating very soon. By this practice, hundreds
of thousands of people have given up eating flesh food and as a result
attained peace of mind and purity.
Vegetarian Prasadam:
At the end of the programme, all the participants were provided with
sumptuous Krishna Prasadam. A hand book on "Do we need flesh food?" was
distributed to all along with a booklet on "Japa dhyana" in a nominal price.
Accolades by Newspapers:
All the major newspapers like THe Hindu, Indian Express, Dinamalar,
Dinamani, Daily Thanthi, Dinakaran etc. published the news with photographs.
This paved the way for the people to realize the importance of vegetarian
I express my sincere thanks for your valuable guidance (e-mail) and others who helped you.
Hare Krishna!
- Karuna Sindhu Krishna Das,
Rights Calendar - really worth a good look
We've just released our list of WVD events around the
country, you are welcome
to spread this as widely as you want, it's on this webpage
- there's a special
category for it:
You'll also notice that for October we have a book
sale of our Living a Good
Life book, and it is ideal for vegetarian families
- it covers pregnancy,
childcare and the teen years, not to mention adults
and the elderly. We've
just reprinted more copies as a result of recent demand,
and these are selling
well, with the proceeds going to vegetarian products
including a farm animal
sanctuary down our way. It would be great
if you could promote the book - if
you are willing to do that I can send you a complimentary
copy... just a
Pam Bidwell
President - Wellington's Vegetarian Society
The book "Living a Good Life" normally selling at $21.95 is now going at the $14.95 price which lasts until the end of October, although we could consider extending it if anyone were to approach us after them with this reference.http://vegsoc.wellington.net.nz/livingGd.htm
From: "contactus" <contactus@infinity888.com.au>
To: <jtcd@xtra.co.nz>
Subject: Melbourne Australia - World Vegetarian Day
Hi My name is Gail Woodhouse
On Sunday 3rd Oct and Sat 2nd I am holding workshops in East Doncaster ( Melbourne ) for people who are interested in changing to a vegetarian diet. They will be interactive and include samples of meat subsitutes and ideas about maintaining balance and avoiding deficiences etc. Have a great video "A diet for All Reasons" which has been instrumental in stimulating change. If there is anyone who would like to attend I can be contacted on 03 98417551 M:0422-193-795 Web http://www.infinity888.com.au or e: contactus@infinity888.com.au
I have been a committed vegetarian for the last 8 years
and have experienced a huge difference in my health.
Looking forward hearing from you.
In Peace ..Gail Woodhouse.
Welcome to ISKCON Sydney's e-newsletter.
Today is World Vegetarian Day so please visit the link below to read all about the event and how it can be relevant to us as Krishna's devotees. Vegetarianism is a big step towards spiritual life, so those who aren't already practising should seriously consider doing so in order to relieve themselves of a great deal of karma and enable access to understanding the Supreme Lord in truth.
From the New
Zealand Vegetarian Society based in Auckland.
Their magazine is full of little snippets and events for World Vegetarian Day and World Vegetarian Month of October.
They have a no. of activities planned throughout NZ The back page of our magazine which has them listed? In addition to this list, we have set up a display on the first floor of the Auckland Public Library for this week.
Below they did some commposing competition with school children to see who could come up with some vege friendly, or should I say animal friendly posters for World Vetetarian Day. Here's a few examples.
For contacting them write to "NZ Vegetarian Society Inc" <info@vegetarian.org.nz> They will only be too pleased to help you.
or write to them at:
National Vegetarian Centre
NZ Vegetarian Society Inc
P O Box 26664
Epsom, Auckland
Ph / Fax 09 523 4686
Thank you and have a great day/month.
These Vegetarian Hare Krsna Love Feasts are free of charge. This is an opportunity for you to meet these Hare Krsna people in a festive mood. Of course, donations are very much appreciated and needed. If you would like to donate, but cannot afford to they might rather accept a little volunteer service.
Did you know the Hare Krishna people also try to reach those who are homeless and destitute with pure vegetarian food relief? Check these sites out for more information.
The DHARMA organization would like to help with organizing more food relief programs. No one should go hungry. Please consider joining our free public forum for vegetarian food relief.
Your servant in Krsna consciousness,
Citraketu dasa
"C.J. Flores"
Food For Life Global supports WVD and is doing Feed the World Week
see their page
Feed the World Week Oct 15-21
Saturday, November 23, 1996 marked the inauguration of Feed the World Day (FWD). On this day, Food for Life volunteers and friends in over 100 countries served karma-free vegetarian meals in honor of the Centennial of Srila Prabhupada (1896-1996), the founder of Hare Krishna Food for Life. More..... Srila Prabhupada wrote: "Simply by liberal distribution of prasadam,* the whole world can become peaceful and prosperous [SB 4.12.10]." "...one earns happiness by making the cows and bulls happy." In 1997, in order to facilitate greater cooperation and to increase food distribution, the event was expanded another 6 days and renamed "Feed the World Week (Oct 15-21)
A Call for Action!
October 15-21 will mark the annual observance of Feed the World Week (FWW). During this week, Food for Life volunteers and concerned vegetarians in over 60 countries will serve out more than 2 million karma-free vegetarian meals to the world!
Feed the World Week is based on a simple principle. For one week, the world should experience a wholesome, nonviolent, karma-free diet, and thus pave the way for a peaceful and hunger-free world.
Feed the World Week is an open community event for raising awareness of the world’s chronic hunger problem that has seen, for example, 300,000 children die in Northern Korea in one month.
Feed the World Week is a call for action, for the world to move away from the meat-based diet—that robs the earth of vital resources and leaves billions homeless and hungry. “Most non-vegetarians are unaware,” explains Paul Turner, Global director of Food for Life, “that more than 70% of the world’s grain production is fed to livestock destined for slaughterhouses. That same grain could feed humans. Every year, millions of children in the developing world die from hunger, alongside fields of fodder destined for the West’s livestock.”
In an attempt to correct this imbalance of the earth’s resources, Hare Krishna Food for Life volunteers daily distribute fifty thousand karma-free meals to the needy of the world!
During Feed the World Week, we share vegetarian food in remembrance
of the world’s 1.3 billion hungry. “The fact is,” says Turner, “if Americans
reduced their meat consumption by 10 percent, enough grains would be saved
to feed sixty million people!”
*Prasadam: Sanctified vegetarian food that has first been offered to
God and which then becomes "karma-free" or spiritually purified.
Iskcon Bangalore - Akshaya Patra program - Unlimited
Food For Life !!!
Some of their recent activities recorded in the press:
A Strategic Program to address two of the most pressing problems of
India:Hunger & Education
Akshaya Patra currently feeds 43,000 rural children in 210 schools everyday.
I will also give a 45 minute talk entitled "Foods in the Mode of Goodness"
It is expected that 10,000 people will visit throughout the day.
Ys, Praghosa dasa
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Dear Prabhu,
We have already distributed more than 15000 booklets on veg. and how to give up non veg by chanting mahamantra.
Also on Oct 1, we plan to introduce the concept of veg. to school students. We plan to use newspapers for the public awareness.
It is a pleasant surprize that by chanting around 1100 families and more than 700 students gave up non veg.
Thanking you.
Your servant,
Shankhadhari Das.
(Temple President)
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2004 23:14 +0200
From: "Tarunyamrta (dd) (IC) (B)"
To: "Jaya Tirtha Charan dasan"
Subject: World Vegetarian Day and
Awareness month Oct - World Vegan day
Lines: 39
X-Mailer: COM 3.84.5
X-Com-Textno: PAMHO8771508
X-Attachment: PEACE_house_______Globall11.zip
(4351 bytes),
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Dear devotee,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
For 1st October I would like to share this peace house idea with many people. Nonviolence is essential for peace, so all foods have to be vegetarian.
I had this idea about one year ago. 3 events happened that inspired me and which made me realize that we have a genuine need for these peace houses. I try to start one in Antwerp Belgium and one friend is busy in het city Houten in Holland. We get nice feedback
1) when the war in Iraque 'ended' and American soldiers gave western magazines to Iraq soldiers they refused them. It is pornography for Muslims. I thought they have no understanding of each other. Where is common ground to meet?
2) I also saw at that time a documentary of 2 man (one Jew, one Muslim) in Jeruzalem who underwent treatment for their alcohol addiction. In the beginning each one said how he hated the other. After living together in the clinic they said in the end, while embrazing, how they loved each other.
3) Before I always did my laundry in the laundrynet and had many discussions with locals, Muslims,Christians etc on vegetarianism, religion etc. Since I moved house and have a washingmachine I did not have any deeper discussion anymore just with people you meet, accept for harinam sankirtan and bookdistribution.
Could you send the peace house idea
and advantages list to all the people which were co receivers of your letter.
I don't know how to do it accept for typing it one by one...
I hope you can open the attached
files. Please let me know.
I would like to receive feedback from people.
your friend
Tarunyamrta dasi
Further Details of PeaceHouse Project
Please see the attached Press Release re World Vegetarian Day. Also we will be getting ready for The Vegetarian Society Awards throughout Vegetarian Awareness Month - the Awards are a way of keeping awareness of vegetarianism high in the business world and culminate in the Awards ceremony at Londons Magic Circle on October 28th. For more info please see www.vegsoc.org/awards
Best wishes,
Kerry Bennett
Press Officer
The Vegetarian Society
Dunham Road
WA14 4QG
0161 925 2012
Manchester Food & Drink
Festival 2004
Hello Jaya,
In Melbourne, Australia, we are holding World Vegan Day Melbourne at Albert Park on Sunday 31 October between 11am and 4pm. More info is available at wvd.vegansunite.org.au.
Many thanks,
World Vegetarian Day
Friday, October 1
Pot Luck Dinner at 6PM
Kingston Seventh Day Adventist Church
24 West Union - Kingston New York USA
Come celebrate the beginning of Vegetarian Awareness Month
at a Potluck
Dinner co-sponsored by the Kingston Seventh Day Adventist
Church and the Mid-Hudson
Vegetarian Society. You do not have to be a member of
either group or even a
vegetarian to attend. Just eat like on when you are with
us. No charge to
attend but bring a vegan (no meat, poultry, fish, dairy
or honey) to share. We
will provide vegetarian chili. Nor sure what to bring,
contact us, we have lots
of suggestions.
Reservations are required Call 845.758.3728 or 846.876.2626 or info@mhvs.org
University of Northern Colorado:
San Francisco - World Vegetarian Day events
San Francisco Bay Guardian newspaper - Meatless:
San Francisco - Hemp Foods
The Massachusetts Daily Collegian
Florida campus
North American Vegetarian Society (NAVS)
North American Vegetarian Soc - Nineteenth Annual International Compassionate
Living Festival
Save the Date! October 1st-3rd, 2004 Raleigh, NC
Metro Detroit area MI
Calgary Vegetarian Society
Winnipeg Vegetarian Association ( Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada)
World Vegetarian Day, World Farm Animals Day Observed at MIT
Food for Life - Annual Feed the World week
Toronto World Vegetarian Awareness weeks - October 1 to 15
Peace and Environment Resource Centre - Toronto & Winnepeg - WVD
Winnipeg WVD
Ottawa Vegetarian Meetup Group
San Antonio Vegetarian Society
World Vegetarian Day, World Farm Animals Day Observed at MIT
European Vegetarian Union - WVD:
World Vegetarian Day From Poland:
Festival of India in Poland:
Danish Vegetarian Society - WVD
French Vegetarian Society - 1st - 7th October
Ireland WVD sunday 3rd October:
Belgium - WVD 9th October 2004
Healthy Life Expo' - 8th thru' 10th October 2004 - LAX Sheraton Gateway
University of Northern Colorado - WVD
Denver Colorado - World Vegetarian Day outreach
Portland Independent Media Centre - WVD
Viva-la-vege - Vegetarian Society of New York
Historic Whitesbog Village, Rt 530 (mile marker 13), Browns Mills,
We will be having a vegetarian food booth and information table to
celebrate World Vegetarian Day. The festival includes artists, musicians,
entertainers and exhibitors.
Charlottesville Vegetarian Festival - September 25, 2004
"A Cow At My Table" film showing on behalf of WORLD VEGETARIAN DAY,
October 1st, 2004
15th Annual Lone Star Vegetarian Chili Cook-Off - Houston - Texas
Vegetarian Society of Washington DC - Vege Awareness month October
Boston Vegetarian Food Festival - Sat. Oct. 23, 2004
The Vegetarian Resource Group Newsletter - WVD and Farm Animals
Korea - celebrating World Vegetarian Day
Sanitarium - Australia - WVD
Just an idea from a NZgirl:
Dining out VEGETARIAN Restaurants all over the world
More about Vegetarianism - WVD
Vege links
More Vegetarian Stuff
World Vegetarian Day Coordinator (every year! everywhere!)
Send a friend an E-Card 4 WVD - World Vegetarian Day e-cards
4Nbc New York
Vegetarian Cartoons:
The Half @st Vegetarian
Vegetarian and Vegan Recipes:
The Vegetarian Life-style:
21 reasons for being Vegetarian
Vegetarian info page for well being and fitness
Vegetarian Facts
Animal Rights Calendar
Dallas-Fort Worth for World Vegetarian Day:
Here is what we are doing in Dallas-Fort Worth for World Vegetarian
Thanks for your information about kiwi,
UK Vegan week:
Help can be found at http://www.worldveganday.org
* You can post events, news and requests for help in THE FORUMS
* Post up press releases into the TOPICS section via SUBMIT NEWS
* Post pictures in THE GALLERY
* Add interesting links in WEBLINKS via the ADD LINK option.
* Please don't forget to request a World Vegan Day Supporters' Pack.
Tony Weston - media@vegansociety.com * Tel +44 (0)1424 448828 * Fax:
World Vegan Day is 1st Nov * UK Vegan Week is 26th Oct - 2nd Nov 2003
Vegan Diamond Jubilee 1944–2004 * 60 years of making a difference to
See our websites www.worldveganday.org
& www.vegansociety.com
Thanks guys ROFL
Remember how they ridiculed the Hare
Krishna's - it's the law of karma, it comes back on you !!!
Please let me know what you have planned, however small
or humble you may feel.........